RapidSSL Domain Certificates

Thawte is one of the leading global certification authorities with various security solutions. We offer standard digital certificates including DV, OV, EV and Wildcard. We highly suggest using their products for the most robust and professional verification procedures.

RapidSSL WildcardSSL

Validation methods
Available hash algorithm
RSA only
Need a solution to fit the low budget? Order SSL certificate with wildcard support and never pay for every single sub-domain a cent. RapidSSL products come with full support of unlimited sub-domains under the same domain name (common name). Issue SSL for *.yourdomain.tld to use it for my.yourdomain.tld, mail.yourdomain.tld, order.yourdomain.tld or any other sub-domain. Get unlimited free reissues during the lifetime period of SSL as a bonus.

RapidSSL Standard certificate

Validation methods
Email / HTTP Hash / DNS CNAME
Available hash algorithm
RSA only
The RapidSSL Standard certificate belongs to DigiCert® Inc, It is quite old and well-known certificate authority with thousands of sales all around the world. Just like any other Domain validation SSL certificate issuance process takes around five minutes. RapidSSL supports 256-bit encryption with SHA2 hash algorithm available.
Validation has an automatic process, and that is why it is possible to get SSL anytime, day or night. No need to send any business or private documents to the certification center as RapidSSL requires confirmation of domain ownership only. It is possible to pass the validation via email only.